in this blog, we take language seriously.we speak our minds and our lingo.if you speak our lingo,we will surely speak yours

Friday, May 2, 2008


shit happens anytime it wants and i cant really do anything about it..i'm currently handling stuffs emotionally rather than rationally and i cant figure out why it happens that is the suckiest day ever..being ignored even though they know your presence:it hurts so much more than anything..have you ever wonder why do we 'ungkit' stuff whenever we have arguments?i guess,it is because we think that ungkitan tu will help us win the argument,but the truth is,it shows how we cant let things go and just move on..i'm a person who wont let go of the past..i'll rmmbr everything perfectly and i'm just waiting for something to occur so that i could let all these things out..yes,i'm pathetic.i know that pretty well :) does it feel to be hurt physically?does it hurts as much as being hurt emotionally?well at least,it can be cure kalau physically hurt kan.but feelings?only time will tell..i need someone to teach me how to be optomistic..ive been viewing and evaluating things from the negative side, and it puzzles me because all i want is good outcomes but i can only think of the bad outcomes..heh!busan tahu!..i must save money for the few things ive wanted to have and i must work my ass off to start losing weight because i think that my stamina is worse than 70-yr old obachan..lari siket suda semput ini,mcm mane mau kawen lari jika perlu nnt :p

yo semua!takkan aku sorg je update.marilah menemani aku di alam cyber ni.aku keseorangan.desperate je bunyik!

current drama: zettai kareshi
current song: leona's
current obsession: mtakahisa
current mood: mixed!
current quote: do not judge life based on your lowest are missing out lots of important things

oya minna!

1 comment:

x.k.u.a.s.e.k.n.a.h said...

mak kite kte x baik kawen lari taw...hehehehe.[dasarangmin]