in this blog, we take language seriously.we speak our minds and our lingo.if you speak our lingo,we will surely speak yours
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Bad Day
Friday, May 30, 2008
ok ok.aku tgh bosan.hahaha.jaa,matta
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Got rid over the feeling of anger towards Taesu.
I've realized that it's not worth for me to have this kind of feeling at all.
Lets just blessed them if they're really a couple.
Friday, May 23, 2008
recap for today
we,as in me,hudud and diang went for a movie.chronicles of narnia:Prince Caspian.for me,i enjoyed it and was able to endure sitting for coupla hours.sumpah best gile wehhh!!!!aku tak tipu.even if u minus the fantabulous prince caspian,i doubt there will be any flaws.edmund is soooo darn cute and kakkoii.kenape aku takde otouto tp ade imouto?haish.chikusho!!hahahaha.oh ye,if uve never watched the first narnia and wanted to watch the second one it will be no problem at all as it has no reference to the first one, although it is the continuation of the first narnia chronicles.we laughed too much because we were imagining things from one scene to another.but,the movie was really funny.hontou ni omoshiroi(betul ke eja?).
i am the only one among us who didnt get the letter of invitation for ibadah camp(hopefully),thank God.but what worries me right now is that,i might get it sooner or later,prolly during sem 1 08/09.why do i feel worried?because i hate to go for the dayumnn-boring-takde hala tuju-camp,and if the letter reaches me during my second year or so on,it might be quite a tense because i might be having a pack schedule and i wont be bothered by those stuff.kalau aku dpt,sumpah tanak pegi.TANAK!TANAK!TANAK!!!!!!!!wahhh,terlebih suda
jaa.thats all.hudud da kutok aku,kate aku tulis karangan.mmg nak kne terajang bontot die nehhh.oyasumi minna.dewa
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Trial...Let's see..
Khabar Berita Dari 'Seberang' Blog
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
More Than That...
I’ve just came back from
Although I don’t miss them, I’m still a hard core supporter of TVXQ! Is Junsu really dating Taeyon? Hakhak. awkward item? I don’t know. Goodluck anyway! I bet some cassiopeians are about to hang themselves right now. Haha! Hey people! We need to take the back seat sometimes. Don’t let your stupidity conquer your rationality. They’re humans too! (JJ...even if you announce to the world your getting married...I will hang myself would still be your true supporter. But I won’t buy your cd’s though I’m just gonna get it from huda. It makes my life much easier.)
HEL is up tomorrow! Goodluck!!!-owh! Don’t hate me for the souvenirs I got for you people. It was the best gift I can get! Teeheee~
Monday, May 19, 2008
Love Revolution part 1
If you wait for them,
they won't come.
It's not that the taxi won't come,
there just aren't any empty cars.
This is the worst thing .
Maybe i'll be able to find one on another street.
If i glance back...
I just missed another.
It won't come if i just wait.
If you look for them,
they won't come either.
They just won't come.
They won't come to just any person but...
When you give up and started walking,
they suddenly all come at once.
OMG.Wat a drama.i mean Love Revolution.Japs drama dat i'll refuse 2 forget.i like the lines in d drama...every episodes.....Oshio Manabu is sooo freakin' hot.
Mimisan.....miura haruma tu ak punye lah.
Atip, nme xkuaseknah ko sala eja daa.ko eje xkuseknah...
actor in Gokusen 3
DaSarangMin - Me & Mr. Philosopher (dare?!!!)
Sunday, May 18, 2008
look what i've done!!!!
of reunion
a friend from kindergarten,TADIKA AULAD(lawak kan name?)to be precised added me on facebook!ppl!look how the internet is playing its role in our life.and to be a little more precise,he is so darnnnnnnnnnnn cute!mcm sugar glider wehh!sumpah!rase nak terajang jeee!hahahahah.and and,he is suggesting to make a reunion for the auladians of our batch but i find it impossible.i only know auladians mcm tini,nadish,kak long,azim and mira j2.why laaa time bdak2 uitm cuti nehh kemaen lg laaa nak buat reunion itu ini.pentingkah reunion itu?to tell u the truth,i dont feel like going to any reunion because i havent seen them for is my fault though.i mean,ive moved on and still moving on,i neither want to rmmbr the past or even dwell on it.there are bittersweet moments,but ive learned my lesson and i just dont find it as a necessity though.but,thinking about how much i want to spank their butts and laugh at them hysterically,i'm not going to pass it this time.i'm just going with the flow on this reunion thingy,and i cant wait to see the result..will we end up in a catfight?will we be closer?will any of us hook up with each other?we'll see!!!cant wait cant wait! :)
oh ye,a friend told me that she has been reading this blog because my sister told her the url(she got it from the "history"),terase pulak die pasal my previous post.beb!bukan anda laaaa.someone else whom ive been trying to get her back to reality.and ppl,the words are harsh,but the reality is harsher.and korang!bile kite dah kawen nnt,nak buat reunion ke hape,tunggu la aku kurus dulu ke.bia body tiptop sket br leh tayang.miahahahahahaha
ok sorry.setan dah rasuk :)
a few reasons to tell your mom why u should get enough sleep :)
It could make you thinner The less sleep you get, the higher your body mass index tends to be. Research showed that people who sleep five hours a night were found to have 15 per cent more ghrelin (a hormone that boosts hunger) in their bodies and 15 per cent less leptin (which suppresses it) than those sleeping eight hours.
It could boost your memory Sleep plays a key role in making new memories stick in the brain. A Harvard experiment showed that subjects taught complex finger movements such as a piano scale recalled them better after 12 hours’ sleep than 12 hours’ wakefulness.
It can fight colds, ulcers and even cancer Good sleep boosts the immune system. Melatonin, produced when you sleep, is a cancer-fighting antioxidant. Night-shift workers may have up to 70 times greater risk of breast cancer. Also, the chemical to repair damage to the stomach lining is secreted during sleep, so staying up all night regularly could raise your risk of ulcers.
It can slow down ageing Persistent sleep debt affects carbohydrate meta-bolism and hormone function in a way that may increase the severity of age-related chronic disorders. A large-scale study concluded that people who sleep six to seven hours a night lived longer than those sleeping less than 4.5 hours.
It could keep you orderly If you’re a child, that is. The depression and low self-esteem often associated with just being a teenager actually correlate with sleep shortage. Young kids who sleep poorly are more than twice as likely to take to drink and drugs in adolescence.craps
the question is,would u lie to someone that u consider as a good friend and companion to make the person notice how you are emotionally unstable in the way that u dont have to mention it?come on!i would just tell the ppl how i feel to avoid misunderstanding.come babe!this is sooooooooo childish.and i know u are reading this,get back to reality,will u?to tell u the truth,i kinda hate it a person tells a thing but means another.why cant ppl just be true to their hearts
aiyaaaa..manyak bosan la ini hari.huda!!!!!!kau tu harap je ade broadband,nak update malas!!!!mmg nak kene sebat bontot nehh.hahahahahaha
Friday, May 16, 2008
of myspace/friendster
i used to find myspace/friendster so cool to the point that i was obsessed with it,meaning that i couldnt stop checking on it for like once in 2 hours or couldnt stop editing the page to make it looks like the coolest in was back when i was in form 1 or 2 someone introduced those to me.sumpah jakun gile wehhhh!i was once an active chatter on mirc.u name the channels.i used to type words with capital+small letters like "hOw ArE yOu GuYs DoInG?!" and i was so proud because i could type with those so-called fancy letters really fast!there was this one girl told me that she found it annoying and i was pissed off and starts to fire her with my words.but now,i do find it annoying..u know,reading a word with capital and small letters..mcm kekanak sgt..and i still find quite a number of ppl,the same age as me doing the same..come on ppl!pls grow is no longer the in thing..myspace nad friendster too are no longer the in can ppl be devoted with myspace and friendster even after 7 years?pelik gilak!
the in thing now is blog.almost everyone has a it in blogspot,xanga,livejournal,myspace or u name it.even Tun M has his own.ppl find it interesting to share their lives with everyone.ppl find it much more interesting to share their thought with everyone rather than just "collecting friends" or show ppl who u are(whether the fake u or real u).but i think,blogspot is going to last for a lifetime,or at least for quite long period.isnt it interesting being able to speak ur mind and to be heard..i myself,find it easier to express my feelings and thoughts through blogging rather than telling it to ppl's faces.ive always wanted to delete my myspace and friendster accounts,but thinking abt the friends that i met online and thinking on how much we get in touch through the net more than in real life holds me back.i find it annoying to reply the msgs and comments/testiS cause the conversations are not going anywhere.they just go round and around and round and back at the same spot and re-do the process all over again.bosan je.ok.ja ne!oyasuminasai
current drama:zettai kareshi/last friends/gokusen 3/rookies
current celebrity crush:miura haruma(HUDA!KAU JGN SEBOK!HAHAHAHAHA) and mT
current craze:anime songs
current book:the russian concubine
current quote:start.the rest is going to be easy
jaa ne!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
of fae's grandfather
ppl,see u in WEDNESDAY!!!!i hope :)
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Values in LIfe
Semester 3 perfectly defines the word “tired” if you register for both Drama and History of the English Language at the same time. As much as I’m tired of going back and forth between LR22 and TR19-attending 3 hour classes 4 times a week, I’m really tired of complaining too. “Aaaaaaarrghhhh!!! Susahnye!!”, “Nak muntah!!!” many times have you heard these complaints from me? Countless! I really want to remain optimistic about my finals but honestly, I have no confidence in HEL. But I guess it leaves me with no other choices. Some people actually take it as religion...but I personally don’t think I’ll be able to do so as 10 chapters of history are to be covered in only 7 weeks. A pass is definitely better than a fail. Again, a “pass”, not an “A” or “B” but a “pass”. What does the future holds for me? I don’t know. I’m just hoping for the best. Ganbatte kudasai!!!
I went to HEL class the other day. In between Dr. Normala’s lecture, there were some pep talks. I remembered her saying, “The results are not important, but the journey is.” It’s much easier for me to accept those words now compared to 1-2 years ago. Things were too hard back then. I always wondered why certain things are “unfair”...Why can’t I? Why can they? No matter how hard I try, it just doesn’t seem to work. But as time passes by, I’ve started to realize that sometimes there are things that you just have to accept. No matter how hard you try to memorize the whole book, if you still can’t pass the paper, you just can’t. No doubt, people get upset with these situations. Then they’ll start to blame God as if He is being “unfair”. I once belonged to those “people”. Subhanallah...Thanks to everything that has happened, I realized that God is not “unfair”. He just wants me to learn. I guess that was what Dr. Normala meant. People tend to worry about the “results” in life. Here, I don’t only mean examination results; I mean “results” in general. They forget about the lessons that they have to learn because I think, by learning through these experiences; people will have a more positive and wider view of life and the entire world. Don’t worry too much about not getting a descent job with big pay cheques, worry about the life-learning lessons and values that you might miss out. Quoting Dr. Normala, “When planting a tree, worry about the soil and the fertilizer and not how big and how many fruit it will produce. If you focus on the foundation, its leaf and fruit will grow and blossom naturally.” Have quality values in life. Even if you are less fortunate than the rest, people would still respect you.
I’ll be away for a few days. I’ll be back (Aiba’s way of saying it! Hehe...). I’ll miss you girrrrllllzzzz!!! – h.e.a.r.n.o.i.s
Monday, May 12, 2008
juz wanna share.......
2. thanks to my brain, i always put my RM50 in my jeans pocket. so i ONLY lost my i.c, my matric card and three bank card together with some cash nearly RM50 i dont mind loosing all those cash but i reaaaly want my all my cards!!!!!!!!!!!
3. lets do some math here which i allergic with. if i want to make a new i.c i have to pay RM210/230 as this is my second time losing it. but if i have police report, it's FREE which is one of my favourite words...hahaha....(ko apehal yuki...x lawak pown...bosan btol)
4. ok ok..lets continue...i went to police station in section 15 S.Alam to report it which i have to type it by myself...i dont blame the police officer as i heard that they had 113 police report only on ONE DAY!!!!!!!! hohoho...look my people, how 'safe' Malaysia is...
5. and then i went to Maju Junction to settle i.c problems only to be entertained by a female worker there with her 'arrgh...ada je budak ilang i.c.menyusahkan btol...kacau ak nak makan gaji buta...'.
and said that i have to go back to the police station that i made my police report only to CORRECT A WORD from 'disyaki' to 'dicuri'..which i wrongly pronounced as 'dicuri' to 'diculi' that sound as 'coli' (bra) to the police officer....aigooooo...malu btol...tu lah,Bahasa Melayu ni susah sebenarnya....
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Third Semester

Friday, May 2, 2008
yo semua!takkan aku sorg je update.marilah menemani aku di alam cyber ni.aku keseorangan.desperate je bunyik!
current drama: zettai kareshi
current song: leona's
current obsession: mtakahisa
current mood: mixed!
current quote: do not judge life based on your lowest are missing out lots of important things
oya minna!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
this world is getting old
i read the news abt a father who kept his daughter in the house basement for many years..thats not what i'm concern abt.the daughter became the father's sex victim and they both have 6 children together(supposedly 7,but one died).i read it somewhere that the story was like this.the father was an engineer or sth,he made a secret basement under the basement that is already exist.kire mcm basement under a basement laa.the father kept the daughter there,and left a letter,a letter that is so called from the daughter but actually it was the father's plan,saying that the daughter wanted to be independent and she requested them to respect her decision.when the daughter had the first child,the father put the child at their house doorstep saying that the daughter isnt able to take care of the child and asked for the parents to take care of the child on her behalf.this means,the mother of the pitiful daughter took care of the daughter's child yg boleh jd her stepchil and pathetic this world has turned into.if i'm not mistaken,the parents jage 3 children of the pitiful daughter's children.sgt pathetic.try to imagine,living in a basement with the environment yg sgt tak elok,tak keluar rumah sume,sumpah kesian gile!..ape nak jd la ngn org skrg ni..anak sendiri pon leh jd hamba sex!takde hati perut betol!..this world is not save anymore..jgn kate dunia ni,malaysia ni pon tak selamat..why do the authority(sesape yg berkuase utk berkate ttg bende ni lah) ckp kat sume org yg malaysia is a great and peaceful country though its not..yes,i admit that in malaysia takde kes mcm pemberontak ke,war ke but we have the tiniest problems that could cause tremendous other problems..biase la,sikit2 lame2 jd bukit kann..the problem leads to one after another..any actions tp prevent it?i see none!..the problems that seem to be kecik to the authority(from my opinion ok) are masalah sosial, keruntuhan moral, undang2 yg tak digunapakai dlm sesetengah hukuman dan ade beberape lg laaa..why do i say they think mslh sosial kecik?kalau they think mslh sosial is serious,they would have more serious rules on muslims yg g clubbing/free sex/whatnots and they would have taken serious actions..bnyk sgt budak melayu yg muslim dah nk buat mcm mane,kalau pemerintah pon lebey krg gitu..asek gaduh sesame sendiri,they cant be bothered abt these simple problems..its far more important to maintain their spot/jwtn..LAME OH LAME!..ok,its getting more serious and hot in herreeeeee..hahahaha
pls excuse the emo ranting yeah ppl!and sorry to bore u with this kind of post..maklomlah,bwh pengaruh dadah kan(ubat, i mean)..ja ne minna!genkidena